Published by Harper Collins on October 13, 2009
Genres: Fiction / Holidays, Fiction / Romance / General, Fiction / Romance / Historical / General, Fiction / Romance / Historical / Regency, Fiction / Romance / Holiday
Pages: 384
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A Mischievous Charade . . .
Harriet, Duchess of Berrow, is tired of her title and the responsibilities that come along with it. Enough with proper tea parties and elegant balls; what Harriet really wants is to attend an outrageous soiree where she can unleash her wildest whims and desires. But to attend such an event—especially if the event in question is Lord Justinian Strange's rollicking fete, filled with noble rogues and rotters, risqué ladies and illicit lovers—would be certain scandal. That's why she must disguise herself . . .
Looking forward to a night of uninhibited pleasure, Lord Strange is shocked to discover that beneath the clothes of a no-good rake is the most beautiful woman in the room. Why is a woman like her risking her reputation at his notorious affair? And can he possibly entice her to stay . . . forever?
Inspired by Georgette Heyer’s mischievous heroine in drag plot, Duchess By Night is the newest release from author Eloisa James.
And its a barn burner.
Although it starts off a little slow, the action heats up as our hero finds himself oddly attracted to the young Mr. Cope….and you guessed it, Mr. Cope is really our mischievous heroine in drag.
Eloisa James always likes to interject some historical evidence driven conjecture, which is included in this tale of the wild Lord Strange. And while subplots involving children usually drive me ape-y, I really liked the young daughter character and found her forming relationship with “Harry” (Harriet) to be endearing.
The love scenes were great, the action unpredictable, and the emotional conflict real. James is not above giving her characters some real emotional stumbling blocks and letting us feel the pain and pleasure of figuring out how to negotiate those hurdles.
I really love her descriptions of Harriet finding her femineity, oddly enough, through masculine dress.
I also like the groundwork that gets laid for another Desperate Duchess, who is the impetus behind attendance at the infamous Lord Strange’s house party.
There are delightful and amusing episodes involving mistaken identity. There are also some really touching portraits of tertiary characters that bring life to every page.
With every book, Eloisa James steps further up the ladder of my top ten. Move over, Julia Quinn, you might just be de-throned.
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