To the northeast of Brighton, the house and grand 18th century park of the Earl of Chichester provided a potential day trip to Brighton visitors full of woodland walks and wide open spaces.
Rambles in the Vicinity of Brighton (1820)
Many Regency era guides list Stanmer as a destination, particularly for summer visitors to Brighton. The house was constructed in 1722 in the Palladian style, designed by French architect Nicholas Dubois. It was also notable in the 19th century for the attractive cottages for not only “conducing to the picturesque beauty of Stanmere Park, but also evincing a kind consideration for the comfort of occupants”. The Model Houses for Families Built in Connection (1851).
The Earl, Mr. Pelham, was a notable “wool grower”.
From a guidebook in the mid 19th century:
A guide to the coast of Sussex (1859)
More on Stanmere:
Sue Berry Historian-Stanmer House and Park
Stanmer Park – Brighton – Parks & Gardens (
Stanmer Preservation Society | Stories from the historic archive