Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (10)

Warning, misogyny ahead.

122 Good breeding requires that you be punctual to your engagements An inconsiderate blockhead thinks otherwise 123 Young working men ought to lay by a little of their weekly earnings It will enable them when they marry to furnish a house without running into debt for furniture 124 Mutual presents cement society 125 The retrospect of our lives is sel dom pleasant as we are sure to find many follies and many things done not so well as they ought to have been 126 A physician who is continually changing his medicines is either pro fessionally ignorant or he has a design upon your pocket 127 He who neglects in his will to make the necessary appointments for the payment of his debts as far as his effects extend goes to his grave in infamy
128 If you are so fortunate as to marry a sensible man be cautious in setting up your own judgment against his excepting in cases absolutely within your own province when you will find him disposed to give up to you 129 Whatever a man does when he is drunk he is sure to repent of when he is sober 130 A merchant is like a tree the value of which cannot be known till it is cut down 131 A woman has in general a dis position towards contradiction in propor tion to her ignorance 132 Poverty is a misfortune and not a crime and deserves more pity and compassion than it usually meets with 133 Warm your pocket handkerchiefs they will last longer clean and be much more comfortable in the wear

This is the tenth post in our new Men and Manners, Maxims for life by a Gentleman (Men and Manners ; Or, Concentrated Wisdom. 4th Ed. Much Enlarged, 1809) series.  For the first nine posts, go here:

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (2) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (3) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (4) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (5) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (6) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (7)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (8) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (9) – Regency Reader (

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