Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (17)

207 The universe is a wise man's li brary 208 If you are a parliament man list under no party but keep your bosom franchised and allegiance clear 209 Envy is like a sore eye that can not bear a bright object 210 Instruct your children in the fundamentals of their religion at an early age 211 He who accustoms himself to buy superfluities may ere long be ob liged to sell his necessaries 212 Our passions are a great deal older than our reason they come into the world with us but reason follows a long time after 213 He who is always his own coun sellor will often have a fool for his client C 5 MANNERS
214 Nature has often made a fool but a coxcomb is of a man's own making 215 A horse is an animal above flat tery as he will as soon throw an emperor as a groom 216 If you have as many diseases as are contained in a bill of mortality tem perance will cure most of them 217 If men of moderate fortunes allow wine to be drank in the servants hall they will soon have none to drink in the dining room 218 He who gets a good husband for his daughter gains a son and he who gets a bad one loses a daughter 219 He who would have his business well done must either do it himself or see it done 220 An obedient wife commands her husband

This is the seventeenth post in our new Men and Manners, Maxims for life by a Gentleman (Men and Manners ; Or, Concentrated Wisdom. 4th Ed. Much Enlarged, 1809) series.  For the first sixteen posts:

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (2) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (3) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (4) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (5) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (6) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (7)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (8) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (9) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (10)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (11)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (12) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (13)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (14) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (15)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (16)

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