Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners

252 A Quack robs with one hand and kills with the other 253 If a young woman is worth hav ing for a wife some man that is worth having for a husband will find her out 254 A speculative Christian is not half 30 good as a practical one 255 What are our reflections when we see a man who having finished his career in the army is volunteering it in the church 256 Reading and writing have saved more persons from the gallows than for gery has brought to it 257 A professional man who loses a friend from caprice is much better with out him

258 If you are in trade remember that a guinea wasted is a guinea lost 259 A man who is officious to serve you at first sight should be regarded with caution 260 A real gentleman never sings but to his children 261 If you tell a lie and the truth be doubted you must tell another to keep it in countenance 262 False weights and measures are guarded against by law but against over reaching a man in worldly concerns there is no law but the law of conscience 263 It is a proof of good breeding to be able to converse well 264 God from his omniscience sees every thing that is to happen and if su premely bad he can at his pleasure put the evil aside

This is the twentieth post in our new Men and Manners, Maxims for life by a Gentleman (Men and Manners ; Or, Concentrated Wisdom. 4th Ed. Much Enlarged, 1809) series.  For the first sixteen posts:

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (2) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (3) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (4) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (5) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (6) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (7)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (8) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (9) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (10)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (11)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (12) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (13)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (14) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (15)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (16)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (17)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (18)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (19)

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