Regency Dish: Celery Sauce

Celery Sauce white for Veal Chickens Turkies & c CUT celery heads three inches long trim them wash and blanch them drain them dry add a little stock boil them till nearly done and the liquor almost reduced then put to them some bensha melle and if approved five minutes be fore the sauce is put over the meat or poultry add a leason of two yolks of eggs and cream Celery Sauce brown for Pullets & c DRESS celery heads as above but in stead of benshamelle add a good cullis only NB The above sauces may be served up in dishes with fried bread round the celery heads as an entrée of itself Recipe appeared in The Art of Cookery Made Easy and Refined
Comprising Ample Directions for Preparing Every Article Requisite for Furnishing the Tables of the Nobleman, Gentleman, and Tradesman (1802).

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