Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (21)

265 Do not attempt to stir the fire in any person's house but where you are very familiar 266 The church is God's house though the chancellor sometimes puts in a bad tenant 267 If you have a good law cause refer it If a bad one try it 268 Riches have wings but they sel dom fly into the poor man's cottage 269 A spirited young man at college kept three horses which he named Cicero Plato and Demosthenes He was a hard student having in the course of four years gained upwards of fifty prize brushes 270 Teach a man to be industrious and you will soon make him rich 271 The anatomical examination of the human body is a certain cure for atheism MANNERS 49

272 In a well regulated government every clergyman ought to enjoy a decent competency Things do not go on well when to tattered crape is left the drudgery of prayer 273 A man without foresight is like a ship at sea without a rudder 274 Man is an inquisitive being and capable of unceasing and progressive im provement Though his powers and abi lities fall infinitely short of what are the attributes of God yet at a most awful distance he approaches to what is ex pressed by the words let us make man after our likeness A strong proof of a future state 275 The serpent tempted Eve with fruit that would purchase knowledge A modern Eve would much rather have had a guinea to purchase what she liked 276 Reading in bed is a strange mix ture of indolence and activity
This is the twenty-first post in our Men and Manners, Maxims for life by a Gentleman (Men and Manners ; Or, Concentrated Wisdom. 4th Ed. Much Enlarged, 1809) series.  For the first twenty posts:

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (2) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (3) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (4) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (5) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (6) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (7)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (8) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (9) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (10)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (11)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (12) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (13)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (14) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (15)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (16)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (17)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (18)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (19)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (20)

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