Regency Hot Spots: Public Libraries in London

Public Libraries There are three Libraries in London belonging to Public Bodies which contain voluminous stores of every kind of learning The first is that superb collection of ancient and modern books MSS & c at the British Museum but which unfortunately by the restrictions laid on the use of it is almost reduced to a nullity the second is that at the Royal Institution in Albemarle street which contains an invaluable collection of British Topography History & c and the third is that now forming under the auspices of the managers of the London Institution and which promises to be of the first eminence in books of value rarity and utility and what is of equal importance with the greatest facility in referring to them Among the first private libraries may be men tioned for their magnitude and value Earl Spencer's St James's place and Sir Joseph Banks's in Soho square Feltham, J., Phillips, R. (1807). The Picture of London, for 1807: Being a Correct Guide to All the Curiosities, Amusements, Exhibitions, Public Establishments, and Remarkable Objects, in and Near London: with a Collection of Appropriate Tables; Two Large Maps, and Several Views… United Kingdom: Lewis and Hamblin, Paternoster-Row; For Richard Phillips, Bridge-Street, Blackfriars.

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