Regency Dish: Fricando Veal

Fricando Veal CUT off a long or round piece of veal from the leg beat it flat with a chopper and make an incision in the under part Put into it a little light forcemeat sew it up lard the top part with pieces of fat bacon very neat blanch it put it into a stewpan with a little stock and cover it close then let it stew till very tender and the liquor nearly reduced When it is to be served up glaize the larding and put stewed sorrel under NB The forcemeat if not approved may be omitted and instead of only one piece of veal three or four small pieces be served on a dish may

Recipe appeared in The Art of Cookery Made Easy and Refined
Comprising Ample Directions for Preparing Every Article Requisite for Furnishing the Tables of the Nobleman, Gentleman, and Tradesman (1802).

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