Regency Estates: Trawsgoed Mansion

The Ystwyth after leaving the domain of Havod pursues its rapid and boisterous course through scenes of great wildness and occasionally of surpassing beauty until after travelling some twelve or fourteen miles it begins to glide in a more level bed through the ancient manor of the Earl of Lisburne for many hundred years known in Ceredigion as Trawscoed literally translated and known in English as Crosswood The mansion of Trawscoed situated in an expanded part of the Vale of Ystwyth is sheltered on almost all sides by gently rising hills and luxuriant woods The place wears an air of quietude and aristocratic ease with the absence of display The park is spacious and the farm land which Lord Lisburne himself cultivates is kept in the highest state of order and productiveness The house is an unpretending edifice of some 250 years old with a spacious entrance hall of the old style with the massive table spread and the walls TRAWSCOED CROSSWOOD THE SEAT OF THE EARL OF LISBURNE all round covered with valuable paintings of past members of the family Additions have been made to the original structure among which is a spacious library at the back elabo rately but chastely decorated and containing a large collection of valuable books many of them in the Italian and French languages On this spot have the Vaughan family resided since the year 1200 through a long series of ages Like Gogerddan the same family have continued its owners and occupiers without interruption from the first possession For pedigree see Lisburne Crosswood In the immediate neighbourhood on the other side of the river which is here crossed by a skeleton bridge amid overhanging woods is Birchgrove the embowered residence of the heir of the estate Lord Vaughan and usually appropriated to a cadet of the family Nicholas, T. (1872). Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales: Containing a Record of All Ranks of the Gentry, Their Lineage, Alliances, Appointments, Armorial Ensigns, and Residences, with Many Ancient Pedigrees and Memorialsof Old and Extinct Families…. United Kingdom: Longmans.

Trawsgoed Mansion was one of the largest estates in Cardiganshire, Wales at more than 42,000 acres.  By the Regency, it would be the home for the Earl of Lisburne (History | Welsh Mansion House Tours | Lisburne Estates (


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One Response to Regency Estates: Trawsgoed Mansion

  1. Susan Macdonald says:

    Fascinating, but it would be wonderful if you could increase the font.

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