Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (24)

300 When you receive an injury from a person it is not natural to forgive him Exalted virtue says you ought to do so 301 In a woman the vanity of being handsome stops up all the avenues to mental improvement 302 No art will induce an animal to eat what is unnatural to it Man eats from custom and education 303 When you are upon your travels be cautious in writing letters They are generally read in a circle of friends and remembered long after you have become ashamed of them 304 If you lead a life of distrust you vainly consider yourself as the only honest man in the creation 305 To be musically inclined often produces a good recommendation into a family but to be a performer sometimes occasions inconvenience to yourself
306 Never drink the health of any person when he is drinking 307 It is a proof of great good nature always to take the charitable side when a character is discussed 308 Never transfer a dish of tea or coffee to any person if sent you by the mistress of the family 309 Guess at the time when your visit becomes tiresome 310 When an animal is killed for your table see that the cook puts it to as little pain as possible 311 When you make a formal visit in a vehicle of any kind do not put on your hat if you wear powder 312 An old man who is in want of teeth eyes ears and sensual feelings is more an object of compassion than envy let the antients say what they will
This is the twenty-fourth post in our Men and Manners, Maxims for life by a Gentleman (Men and Manners ; Or, Concentrated Wisdom. 4th Ed. Much Enlarged, 1809) series.  For the first twenty three posts:

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (2) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (3) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (4) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (5) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (6) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (7)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (8) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (9) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (10)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (11)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (12) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (13)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (14) 

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (15)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (16)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (17)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (18)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (19)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (20)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (21)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (22)

Regency Culture and Society: Men and Manners (23)

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