Reader Survey Results and Updates to Regency Reader

Thank you to the Regency Readers that took the time to respond to our brief annual survey!  If you missed the opportunity, you are always welcome to email comments and suggestions or leave them in the comments to any post.

Respondents reported their love for a variety of our posts, so rest assured we will be continuing the same category content in 2025.  One reader asked that we add more contemporary analysis, which we are happy to include as appropriate.

We were asked to add more weather and map features this year.  A reminder that we do have a free download of weather information, but often see reports on weather that we can expand upon including notable weather events that may be of interest.  Anne also loves maps and urban history, so is happy to think of new ways to share maps she comes across in her research.  If you have particular maps you would like to see, give us a shout.

Another reader asked for more spotlights on less famous Regency figures.  We do have three categories where we have tried to touch on various characters: Regency Women of Character, Regency Men, and Regency Villains but will endeavour to bring you at least one of these profiles a month.  We also often feature different people in many of the other categories, including Science and Invention, Crime and Punishment, and Representing Regency categories, and will look for a way to present this information in a couple of different ways to give more of that flavor of Regency people.

One respondent asked we offer another tool with common phrases.  We have been working on an update to our Regency Cant resource and although it has a drop down to organize and group expressions, we think the addition of an idiom/expression tab in that workbook will be helpful–so thanks for the suggestion!  We periodically feature words from the Cant dictionary on the blog, and will add in idioms to share, too, this year.

Over the years, most respondents have not been interested in seeing more social media content and so we are interested to hear if a newsletter would be more helpful to our readership?  While you can subscribe to get updates on our posts (we post on even days of the month, so typically every other day), a newsletter might aggregate all the posts for the month.  We are also open to other suggestions on how to connect.

We so appreciate the other Regency Readers, who pose amazing research questions, comment their insights, share content, and support our efforts.  Thank you, truly!  Our work would not be possible without your engagement and it means so much to us to share in the love of the Regency.


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6 Responses to Reader Survey Results and Updates to Regency Reader

  1. Anonymous says:

    I like the idea of a newsletter.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Yes – as a RR I’d prefer the email newsletter. Am too ‘20th’ century (& lazy) to do all that social media stuff.

    Also, I’d be interested in learning more details about Regency jewelry in particular: the business, the manufacture, the gemstones, the wearing, purchasing (or ‘unpurchasing’) and style habits of women and men and anything else related to the topic.

    If there is information already on the blog, where do I look, i.e. subject heading, etc.?

    Thank you for being such a devoted chronicler of all things Regency.

    • Anne says:

      Thanks Elizabeth! We haven’t touched much on Regency jewelry, so we would be happy to add that to our list for future content. There are a couple ways to find information on the website: the search function (typically on the left side menu) which we use a ton, too and to look at the Regency History page (see tab in the upper menu just underneath the Regency Reader header). We need to make some updates to the Regency History page, but its a good way to get a one page glance at all the various posts we have made over the years. Appreciate the feedback!

  3. Maggie says:

    Thanks for your continuing service. I have nothing constructive to suggest.