The seaside town of Tenby, in Pembrokeshire, Wales lies within the Carmathen Bay and features miles of sandy beaches, medieval town walls, and the added attraction of the sea for bathing by Regency upper classes. By 1806, Tenby had its sea-bathing operation in full swing, inspired the investments of local merchant and politician Sir William Paxton, and executed by James Grier and Samuel Pepys Cokerrell.
Nicholson, G. (1813). The Cambrian Traveller’s Guide: In Every Direction; Containing Remarks Made During Many Excursions, in the Principality of Wales, and Bordering Districts, Augmented by Extracts from the Best Writers. United Kingdom: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown.
Tenby, from visitor accounts, had the sea, scenic visits, entertainments and new accommodations, and all the quaintness of a fishing village Regency travelers might have wanted.
Donovan, E. (1805). Descriptive Excursions Through South Wales and Monmouthshire: In the Year 1804, and the Four Preceding Summers. United Kingdom: author.
Tenby’s popularity as a health resort, as well as a location for geological and botanical study, would continue through the Victorian era with new walkways being constructed to facilitate seaside rambles including by nannies and prams.
Today, it remains attractive for its history, sandy beaches, and natural beauty as well as other tourist amenities.
This website has a variety of first hand tourist accounts of Tenby for those interested in learning more: Tenby 1800-1900 | Early Tourists in Wales