Sheraton, T. (1794). The Cabinet-Maker And Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book: In Three Parts. United Kingdom: Mathews.
For more Sheraton designs see these posts:
Regency Household: Sheraton’s Swinging Crib Bed
Regency Household: A Sheraton Sideboard
Regency Household: Sheraton Alcove Bed
Regency Household: Sheraton Buffet
Regency Household: Sheraton Night Basin Stand
We have also featured Hepplewhite’s Designs:
Regency Household: The Duchess
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Designs for Chair Backs
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Window Stools
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Vases and Pedestals
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Window Stools
Regency Household: Hepplewhite’s Easy Chair and Gouty Stool
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Library Table
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Barback Sofa
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Desk and Bookcase
Regency Household: Hepplewhite Commode