Regency Men: Daniel Thomas Egerton


Daniel Thomas Egerton (1797-1842), sometimes styled DT Egerton, was a British landscape painter and illustrator was one of the original members of the Society of British Artists. Some of his satirical prints are worth a look for the Regency enthusiast and can be seen here.

Egerton exhibited between 1824 and 1929 and 1838 to 1840 at the Society of British Artists, but preferred living in Mexico.  It was there he met an unfortunate end.

Abandoning his family to flee to Mexico in 1841 with Alice Edwards, the teenage daughter of painter.  Living in present day Mexico City in a rented house, he and pregnant Alice were murdered on April 27, 1842.  The cash and jewelry were untouched, yet the murder was attributed to robbery and three local, petty thieves were arrested after pressure from the British diplomats.  Two were hanged, one escaped from prison.

Speculation is that Egerton’s involvement in fraud, involving land sales in Texas, his ties to the Masons, or an unknown, jealous lover of Alice’s was behind the killing.

His plates, including Town versus Country and the Necessary Qualifications of a Man of Fashion (one plate is featured above) are rare and often fetch a high price at auction, but worth a look at the links provided.

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