Hi! I’m Anne Glover, historical romance author and amateur Regency historian. I formed this blog in 2007 to help other historical and Regency romance readers find the perfect HEA/HFN.
Over the years, I have developed the blog to feature a variety of Regency writer resources and Regency reader resources. You can find an index of the various categories here. I use a variety of research methods, and when available cite my resources. I love primary source materials and often use linked clips so you can read the full source yourself.
Thanks to sponsors, reader donations, and sales of our Regency Resources we are continually working with my webmaster Kelly to build out the site and its resources, so please feel free to contact us with suggestions, feedback and more! If you like the website, you can also support us by sharing with friends, buying us a cup of coffee, or buying a book or more through our affiliate links (all review book images are linked to Amazon). We also love hearing from you in the comments or via email (regromblog at gmail dot com).
Happy reading,
Love, Anne
Anne Glover is an author and amateur historian who passionately blogs about all things Regency.
Regency Reader has been a premier online source for historical romance reviews, history, and more since 2007. For updates, subscribe to get posts to your inbox, or follow on twitter @Regency_Reader.
Ethical Statement:
When I am offered a free review copy, I will indicate with a * at the end of a post. I make every effort to provide honest feedback, and if I do not select your book to be reviewed it is most likely because it does not fit in with either my tastes or those of my readers.
For more FAQ about reviews.
Hi Anne-
I noticed that you have my Book Co. listed on your “blogroll.” Could I return the favor and put your blog on my site?
I think the readers on my site would find your reviews helpful.
Jennifer Young
Hi Anne-
I just added a new feature on my web site. Every couple of weeks, I will be featuring a cool web site to visit. And ’cause your so cool, I put yours on there first! Although, I’m pretty cool myself
I couldn’t very well put my own site up there. Hope you get some traffic from it.
Better Than Chocolate Book Co.
Hi Anne,
I just found your website. (And I thought I knew all of them!) I think it’s great but some of the white font on white background is hard to read. My real reason in writing is that my first Hist-Ro is due from Zebra in August. It’s called “The Notorious Bridegroom.” How would I go about having you review it- if you wanted to? And how could I get my name added to the illustrious authors on the left-hand side of the page? Thanks! Kit
Hi Kit-
I am not seeing white on white (what browser do you use?) but that would be helpful to know so I can edit it…
I would love to review (the author list are all reviewed)…you can always e-mail me an e-book version at romanceanne (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi Anne-
I like the new design on your site.
I am starting a new group/site called Girl Reads Romance. In an effort to bring more traffice to your very informative and wonderful blog- I will be having your blog streaming through to the site through RSS. (hope that’s OK)
Your blog is too great to miss and I really think a lot of people are missing out by not knowing about it.
You can visit the site here…..http://girlreadsromance.ning.com/
Also, there is a place for you (in the Forum) to advertise your eBooks. So I hope you will post them on there, Photo’s and all, if you wish.
I am hoping this will bring more attention to your site. I know I love it, and I know others will too.
—Jennifer, Better Than Chocolate Book Co.
THIS SITE IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne – do you have a new e-mail address. Your romanceanne at yahoo dot com is bouncing.
Thanks for the heads up. It is back working, so you should be able to email me there!
Lauren Gilbert (of Heyerwood) recommended you when I asked for people interested in Mary Wollstonecraft – she has written of MW’s influence on JA, which encouraged me to do the same – but I don’t see any way to search this site and find references to England’s first feminist. Can you advise?
Hi Roberta-
Thanks for reaching out! The search box is below the blogroll section on the main page. I don’t currently have any posts on Mary Wollstonecraft, although my “Regency Women of Character” category features many other fantastic women of the era who were influential in their own right.
If you could let me know what your specific interests are, maybe I can offer some further suggestions!
Thanks again for getting in touch!
Thanks for your helpful and prompt response. My specific interest is…everything Mary Wollstonecraft! Hence my blog, A Vindication of the Rights of Mary. I am in the middle of several posts about Jane Austen and whether she read MW. I am looking for links and evidence of influence. Anything you can contribute to this search would be very welcome. Thanks!
I did write a brief overview of other Regency writers, and had a link to http://www.theloiterer.org/ashton/mary2.html which talks a little bit about Mary Wollstonecraft and other influential female writers of the time.
I think Austen’s writing makes it evident, in the nuances, that she was well read and kept up with her contemporaries. My favorite Austen, Northanger Abbey, is a direct satire of the gothic romance so very popular in her day. I also think that many of her characters represent common female archaetypes that writers like Wollstonecraft were writing and thinking about.
Austen uses the vulnearable type of female, or enactment of, as a foil for her stronger characters. Elizabeth, who has clearly been more educated by her father than mother, is made all the more striking when set against her silly and often sentimental mother who is fond of drawing attention to her “nerves”; this compare and contrast is in some ways a direct imagining of the present and possibile female described in Vindication on the Rights of Woman.
I am not sure if any letters by Jane have been published directly about MW or her influence, you might check in with some of the JA society’s at large. But, I do think with a little thoughtful reading you can undoubtedly find influence in JA’s novels.
Can’t wait to check out your blog!
Thank you for these comments; I agree that there can be little question about the influence of MW on JA. What is most helpful, though, is the link to theloiterer.org — now, that *is* a treasure trove!
Someone recommended this website and I’ve found it fascinating. I would love to send you an ebook to review. Where do I send it and what format do you prefer?
Hi Karla,
The specifics are here: https://regrom.com/review-submissions/
I prefer epub format, which can be sent directly to me at romanceanne at yahoo dot com