Reg Rom

I started Regency Reader as a wordpress blog in 2007, mostly to keep track of the enormous amount of Regency and historical romance books I was reading.  I also released several backlisted titles at that time, some which have since been combined into trio of novellas.

A few years ago, after increasing readership and interest and wanting a more robust website, we migrated over to  The website now has multiple ways to discover new RegRom authors, lots of historical information, and a wealth of reference for both Regency readers and authors.  A unique feature of the website is a form to submit Regency related questions, which I will happily research and report back on.

What is Reg Rom?  It is my short hand for Regency Romance (ala RomCom for Romantic Comedy).

What is Regency Romance?   There are some flexible definitions of when the Regency era was…technically it was between 1811 and 1820 when King George III was deemed unfit to rule and his son, the Prince of Wales, ruled as his proxy as Prince Regent.  However, in the literature genre, it can also include books from 1795 at the onset of King George II’s mental illness up until the late 1837, when Queen Victoria ascended to the throne.

For a fairly good primer on RegRoms and the difference between Traditional and Regency Historical, check out the wiki:

In addition to providing a host of historical information about the Regency era and reviewing historical and Regency romance books, I have also extended my reviews to independent authors writing Regency romance.  I am always excited to read new voices in historical and Regency romance, but have some submission requirements and rules so please read those before submitting comments to this page or sending me an email.

We love to receive comments, feedback, suggestions, questions and shares of our content.



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