Regency Fashion: Walking and Half Dress (1806) for Spring

Regency fashion plate

These gowns for Spring appeared in the May 1806 issue of La Belle Assemblee with the descriptions below. Note the popular colors are straw, pink, Continue

Regency Advertisements: Troublesome Freckles and Facial Hair

The ad appeared in the April 1817 issue of Ackermann’s Repository.  According to Plucked: A History of Hair Removal (Herzig, 2015) in the early 19th Continue

Regency Fashions: Gowns for Town (1809)

Appearing in the April 1809 issue of The Lady’s Monthly Museum, this charming plate features two long sleeved outfits perfect for inclement weather. Included are Continue

Regency Fashions: London Fashions for March (1809)

The gowns and descriptions appeared in the March 1809 issue of The Lady’s Monthly Museum. I especially love the bright yellow gloves.