Regency Health and Medicine: Cholera Pandemic 1 and 2

In 1817, the first cholera pandemic broke out Kolkata (also known as Calcutta). Between 1817 and 1824, it spread through Southeast Asisa to the Middle Continue
In 1817, the first cholera pandemic broke out Kolkata (also known as Calcutta). Between 1817 and 1824, it spread through Southeast Asisa to the Middle Continue
This ad appeared in Exeter Flying Post – Thursday 02 January 1800
This recipe appeared in The Art of Beauty; Or, the Best Methods of Improving and Preserving the Shape, Carriage, and Complexion. Together with the Theory Continue
The Art of Beauty; Or, the Best Methods of Improving and Preserving the Shape, Carriage, and Complexion. Together with the Theory of Beauty, 1825