Regency Household: Hepplewhite Designs for Chair Backs

These designs for chair backs appeared in The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide (1788). Featuring the Georgian era Hepplewhite’s designs and tips, the volume was produced Continue

Regency Household: Sheraton Secretary and Bookcase

This design for a secretary and bookcase appeared in Thomas Sheraton’s The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book (1793). For more Sheraton designs see these posts: Regency Continue

Regency Reader Questions: Keys, Servants, and Late Nights

wanted and keeps the rooms in perfect order Previous to her mistress retiring for the night she will have looked out her nightclothes and aired them well and she will not only now but at all times when she goes to dress carry up hot water for washing & c and when she is gone to bed she will carefully examine all her clothes and do all that is necessary to be done to them before she folds them away If her lady be elderly infirm or unwell she will sometimes be required to bring her work and sit with her to administer her medicines and sometimes to read to her To qualify herself for this latter purpose and to acquit herself with propriety she will

Michelle Regency Reader Question Hello, If a woman has been out to a ball and comes in at night (in London), how does she get Continue

Regency Household: A Sheraton Sideboard

This design for a sideboard appeared in Thomas Sheraton’s The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book (1793). The explanation includes: “The sideboard has a brass rod to Continue