Regency Crime and Punishment: Hangers On At Inns

plate of children snatching a regency era ladies purse

The London Guide and Stranger’s Safeguard Against the Cheats, Swindlers, and Pickpockets (1818) describes any manner of criminals and criminal activity a visitor to Town Continue

Nina Coombs Pykare: A Heart in Flight

Aurelia Amesley, being a twenty-four year old spinster, could decide to climb aboard a hot-air balloon. But she wasn’t prepared for her crash landing onto Continue

Regency Household: A Hunting Lodge


This beautiful hunting lodge plate and description appeared in the May 1816 edition of Ackermann’s Repository.  The large windows are meant to pull nature into Continue

Georgette Heyer: Venetia

There is a reason that Georgette Heyer is renowned as a more contemporary Jane Austen.  Writing in the 1920s until the 70s, her books created Continue