Top 10 Favorite Clean Masquerade/Mistaken Identity Theme Reg Roms

One of my favorite Regency plots is the masquerade or mistaken identity.  I have compiled a list of ten favorite clean (kisses only) masquerade/mistaken identity Continue

Susan Carroll: The Wooing of Miss Masters

AUDRA LEIGH MASTERS HAD NO INTEREST IN DUKES, ELIGIBLE OR OTHERWISE! The entire county, however, was agog with the news that the infamous Duke of Continue

Joan Smith: Tea and Scandal

THERE WAS MUCH ADO ABOUT SOMETHING AT WILDERCLIFFE! Exceedingly wealthy Lord Pargeter had married his housekeeper . . . then expired, leaving the woman an Continue

Delilah Marvelle: Prelude to a Scandal

Feeling adventurous as I picked up milk, salad, and dishwashing detergent, I stopped over to peruse the shelves of the new releases. This beautiful cover Continue