Regency Advertisements: Studies in Landscape

January 1818 Ackermann’s Repository This is actually pretty impressive, as John Laporte (1761-1839) was a talented and known landscape painter and etcher. From London, Laporte’s daughter Continue
January 1818 Ackermann’s Repository This is actually pretty impressive, as John Laporte (1761-1839) was a talented and known landscape painter and etcher. From London, Laporte’s daughter Continue
Question: All the schedules I can find indicate that one called on acquaintances at 5 pm or later. And that the “fashionable hour” was from Continue
From the 1818 Ackermann’s Repository…patented self-adjusting trusses. Don’t be fooled by the bungling imitators
[cryout-button-light url=”#”][/cryout-button-light] “Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of Continue