Regency Household: Ladies Work Table

This design for a Ladies Work Table appeared in the 1808 Ackermann’s The upholsterer’s and cabinetmakers Repository.
This design for a Ladies Work Table appeared in the 1808 Ackermann’s The upholsterer’s and cabinetmakers Repository.
This design for a swinging crib bed appeared in Sheraton’s The Cabinet Dictionary (1803). For more Sheraton designs see these posts: Regency Household: A Sheraton Continue
These designs for window stools appeared in Hepplewhite’s The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide (1788). More Hepplewhite: Regency Household: Hepplewhite Designs for Chair Backs – Continue
This design for a secretary and bookcase appeared in Thomas Sheraton’s The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book (1793). For more Sheraton designs see these posts: Regency Continue