Regency Hot Spots: Wimbledon Park

The Picture of London, for 1803 Landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century, Wimbledon Park featured a man made lake. Large oak trees planted Continue
The Picture of London, for 1803 Landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century, Wimbledon Park featured a man made lake. Large oak trees planted Continue
A Guide to All the Watering and Sea Bathing Places in England and Wales , with a Description of the Lakes; a Sketch of a Continue
Regency Reader Question What entertainments were children taken to in Regency London? And were they taken to the theatre? I am talking about a child Continue
A Walk through Hereford…(1819) The Hereford guide (1806) The Cambrian Traveller’s Guide, in Every Direction (1813) Unfortunately, I was unable to find images of the Continue