Regency Household: Dining Room Window Curtain and Sideboard
From Modern Furniture Consisting of Forty-four Coloured Engravings (1823).
From Modern Furniture Consisting of Forty-four Coloured Engravings (1823).
These designs for chair backs appeared in The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide (1788). Featuring the Georgian era Hepplewhite’s designs and tips, the volume was produced Continue
This design for a sideboard appeared in Thomas Sheraton’s The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book (1793). The explanation includes: “The sideboard has a brass rod to Continue
This engraving and the description appeared in the 1823 book “Modern Furniture” by Augustus Pugin and J Stafford. Napolean’s Egyptian Campaign in the early 19 Continue