Regency Fashion: The Four-in-Hand

Lloyd’s Treatise on hats (1819) This is part of a series on Gentleman’s Hats: Regency Fashion: Gentlemen’s Hats Regency Fashion: The John Bull Top Hat Regency Continue
Lloyd’s Treatise on hats (1819) This is part of a series on Gentleman’s Hats: Regency Fashion: Gentlemen’s Hats Regency Fashion: The John Bull Top Hat Regency Continue
Styled like the simple A la Bergami (bottom left corner), this cravat was favored in red. The Art of Tying the Cravat: Demonstrated in Sixteen Continue
The Art of Tying the Cravat: Demonstrated in Sixteen Lessons (1828). Apparently, the ideal cravat style for a man with health issues, the Gastronome gives Continue
From The Art of Tying the Cravat: Demonstrated in Sixteen Lessons (1828) To read about the Cravate Sentimentale, check out this post. To read about Continue