Regency Hot Spots: Sans Pareil Theatre

  What would later become the Adelphi Theatre, the Sans Pareil (Without Compare) Theatre was founded in 1806 in The Strand by colour merchant John Continue

Regency Culture and Society: Miscellaneous Reflections on the Conduct of Women

This collection of maxims about women in the Regency appeared in the February 1806 edition of La Belle Assemblee. I particular love the comparison between Continue

Regency Fashion: Evening and Walking Dress

These plates with an evening gown and walking dress appeared in the February 1818 issue of Ackermann’s Repository along with some general descriptions about fashion.

Regency Culture and Society: Valentine’s and Puzzle Purses

Puzzle purses were one way lovers could exchange “Valentines” as early as the 1700s.  Constructed from paper folded in intricate origami style, each panel would Continue