Regency Advertisements: Corsets for the Country

Appearing in the 1817 Ackermann’s Repository, this ad for corsets promises even those languishing provincially may have a London corset fitted to form: The image Continue

Regency Advertisements: Fashionable Silks

Appearing in the July 1817 Ackermann’s Repository, this ad for low priced silks on Hanway street from the latest French patterns. Hanway Street, near Tottenham Continue

Regency Culture and Society: Hints for Young Married Women

A lot of the Regency Reader Questions I receive are related to etiquette and how ought a young lady to behave in a variety of Continue

Regency Advertisements: Paper Sandwich and Tea Tray

Appearing in the July 1817 Ackermann’s Repository Advertisement section, this ad for papered tea and sandwich trays emphasizes the interest in papered objects with an Asian Continue