Suzanne Enoch: A Lady’s Guide to Improper Behavior

She (Theresa) is a lady well schooled in etiquette. He is a once carefree gentleman now wounded by a terrible secret experience in India and Continue
She (Theresa) is a lady well schooled in etiquette. He is a once carefree gentleman now wounded by a terrible secret experience in India and Continue
Mmm…and he is. Here is the back cover teaser: “The ton gossips call him Saint but Michael Halboro, Marquis of St. Aubyn, has well earned Continue
Sin and Sensibility reminds me of Eloisa James’ Pleasure for Pleasure if only because the hero is so deliciously debauched. There is something about those Continue
The synopsis taken from the back of the book pretty much sums up the plot. However, had I not been urgently searching the shelves at Continue