Virginia Heath: How to Woo a Wallflower

Part of a series that worked well as a standalone, we have two self described rescuer MCs who follow their hearts to quickly move from Continue

Martha Waters: To Marry and to Meddle

A marriage of convenience story between a seemingly scandal immune debutante and a scandal-brothed younger son turned theatre entrepreneur was delightful.  As the third in Continue

Kasey Michaels: The Playful Lady Penelope

In the vein of other, more traditional Regencies, Kasey Michaels gives us a feisty heroine who loves tricks and pranks, and a high in the Continue

Eloisa James: How to Be a Wallflower

Its been a hot minute since I read an Eloisa James.  For several years, she was my favorite Regency mass market author.  And this first Continue