The Excessively Diverting Blog Award

Oh how honored I was when I saw Mrs. Woffington had nominated Regency Reader for the Excessively Diverting Blog Award!

My next mission is to nominate seven more blogs which fit the critera, namely: ‘to acknowledge writing excellence in the spirit of Jane Austen’s genius in amusing and delighting readers with her irony, humor, wit, and talent for keen observation. Recipients will uphold the highest standards in the art of the sparkling banter, witty repartee, and gentle reprove’.

Recipients, please claim your award by copying the HTML code of the Excessively Diverting Blog Award badge, posting it on your blog, listing the name of the person who nominated you, and linking to their blog. Then nominate seven other blogs that you feel meet or exceed the standards set forth. Nominees may place the Excessively Diverting badge in their side bar and enjoy the appreciation of their fellow blogger for recognition of their talent.

1).  Jane Austen Today

A delightful take on Jane Austen’s presence in contemporary media.

2).  Austen Prose

A blog about all things Austen.  I love the info on contemporary lit. on Austen.

3).  Jane Austen in Vermont

Blog for the Jane Austen Society of Vermont, this blog is chock full of rich historical information.

4).  Historic Cookery

Research put in to practice!  Historic cooking with a flair for fabulous photography.

5).  Dickensblog

A blog about all things Dickens with funny posts and great information.  I know this is Victorian era, but Dickens inspires me—and I think was inspired by Austen! (Little Dorrit is a romance!)

6).  Marie Antoinette’s Gossip Guide

A blog all about gossip and scandal prior to the Terror.  Great fashion tips and quotes for writers and readers alike.

7).  The Duchess of Devonshire’s Gossip Guide to the 18th Century

Art historian blog who has some delightful modern interpretations and insights to all things 18th century.  Packed with information and amusing witty repartee.


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2 Responses to The Excessively Diverting Blog Award

  1. Vic says:

    Thank you so much for nominating Jane Austen Today for this award. So thoughtful of you. I love this blog too!

  2. Laurel Ann says:

    Thanks so much for the award Anne. Sorry I did not find this post sooner! I love your blog too.

    Cheers, Laurel Ann