From Collection of Designs for Household Furniture and Interior Decorwtion in the Most Approved and Elegant Taste, 1805, these designs feature the popular Egyptian themes that ruled many a fashionable home during the Regency.
A chiffonier in Britain is a low cupboard, sometimes with a raised bookshelf on top. According to the Regency Redingote’s research, these were a recent item in Regency homes. In part this was that as more homes had access to books, they needed a place to store them (
Most references to the pier commode also come from the Regency era. I found one description of it in a book about cabinets and furniture from 1835:
“The commode is a word of French origin and an article of furniture for convenience placed against piers in a withdrawing room ornamented sometimes with Chimæras at others either with consoles or turned pillar.s As a glass is fixed to this article the Graces would here be consistent or the household gods may be introduced for their character see Spence s Polymetis The glass frame is here adorned with a thyrsus in the centre of which is a Water nymph that element being first discovered to reflect and resorted to for viewing the face afterwards succeeded by polished steel and now by silvered glass “