From the Desk of Anne: Changes Coming to Regency Reader

You will already notice some changes to Regency Reader.  We have rearranged some of the sidebars to accommodate more ad space to help support a major site shift we need to make (from http to https) as well as a ko-fi donation button.  We have had wonderful sponsors over the years for native ads that have helped offset the substantial costs to run this site (thank you!), but even with amazing support during this tough year we are still significantly short of where we need to be to make the needed security transition.  It has left us with no choice but to ask for help.

Website costs are also on the rise.  We have debated the last several years whether or not to revert to free site or remove the site altogether and focus on my writing only (Anne).  But, at the end of the day and even after 13 years, we cherish this site, the content, our readers, and the resource it offers to both readers and writers…so we will persist.  However, we do anticipate a reshuffling of content to make the site user friendly and still support our personal and professional goals.  We hope that the reshuffling will be an opportunity to rededicate the site to what you, the reader, wants.

To improve that dedication to service, we will be posting a survey in a few days asking you your opinion on the type of content, medium, format, etc. you would like to see.  We appreciate your participation, as it will help us build a better site for 2021.  You can also leave comments below with any feedback, or shoot us an email (romanceanne at yahoo dot com).

We are interested in hearing from you what type of paid services/items you would like.  Do you want a Regency Reader button?  A mug with a whimsical Regency quote?  An Regency era resource ebook?  Subscription access to specialized content? We are also interested in exploring other platforms…so if you would like to see us branch out into video, podcasting, etc. let us know!

In the meantime, if you enjoy the content, we would appreciate you clicking on the book images either in the sidebar or in book reviews to shop at Amazon.  It doesn’t have to be a book…even if you are in the market for a toaster, if you use our link we get credit…and that helps a ton.  If you aren’t much of an Amazon shopper, but still want to support us, please “buy us a coffee” using our ko-fi link.  We also encourage you to click on the top two book images/ads on the right side of the site and support two of our amazing, talented sponsors.  Both the books are fun, bite sized holiday treats perfect for a day indoors.

Finally, we know times are tough and money is tight for a lot of people.  Another way you can help us out is by spreading the word, linking to us, and sharing the content you love on our site.

Thanks again for being a Regency Reader!


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