Top 10: Favorite History Posts from 2020

Over the year, we deep dive into primary and secondary sources to explore many aspects of Regency life.  From fashion and advertisements, to people and places, we are always excited to share our research.

We also adore your amazing Regency Reader Questions, which offer us so many unique trails into history to follow and explore.

To celebrate this work, we have compiled a list of our top 10 favorite Regency history posts from 2020.  These are listed in the order in which they appeared on the blog, starting with the oldest first.

  1. Family Planning in the Regency.  A reader was curious about the birth control/family planning methods available to Regency people, and we were able to track down some amazing resources that touched on what options were available in the 19th century and what attitudes generally were.
  2. The Dilettanti Theatre was a fascinating potluck, amateur theatre organization among the ton that I had not ever read about before.
  3. Waterloo Teeth was interesting because it was sparked during a conversation with my dentist that drove me to do the research.  And I was glad I did, when it was mentioned in The Potential for Love.
  4. Tent Room Albeit a visual post, I am still absolute in love with this image and the idea of turning a room into a sort of tent.  Having tried to create something like this in my salad days with tapestries, I have so much admiration for the execution!
  5. Cheltenham Taking a mental journey to Cheltenham helped this summer when I was badly in need of a holiday, and I enjoyed some of the images evoked by the primary source text.
  6. Crime and Punishment in the Countryside was a Regency Reader question, and a brilliant opportunity to learn a bit more about provincial criminal proceedings.
  7. Women and the Sciences was sparked by a reader comment about My Fake Rake, but led to a celebration of all the brilliant women in sciences in and around the Regency era.
  8. Church Records and Illegitimacy was the first of several questions about illegitimacy in the Regency, and a great window in to Regency attitudes about children born out of wedlock.
  9. Medieval Romances Proof that not only am I willing to sometimes step out of Regency, but also that I have an amazing Twitter community that is so helpful in connecting reader to books they will love, this post tried to help a reader in need (I hope it was successful!)
  10. Gentleman’s Etiquette When Meeting Superiors will stick in my mind because the advice sparked some great conversations, lots of laughter, and a good look into etiquette whether on horseback, in a carriage or on foot.

These are just the top 10!  We had approximately 160 other history related posts this year alone.

If using the search function or side menu is a bit daunting, we have also reorganized to provide an Index of Posts to better connect readers with content that interests them.  We are always looking for ways to improve, so if you have suggestions leave a comment below!

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