Results from our Survey

We wanted to follow up and thank those of you who participated in our end of year survey.  It has been so helpful to hear your feedback!

There were wonderful suggestions for new content, including more on etiquette and other towns outside of London, video interviews of authors, and film/book connections (we are super excited about the last one, because we do have some experience/background in film/film theory).

About half are interested in seeing some video content, so we are excited to begin developing material for other platforms that we can also share here.  The majority of respondents were less interested in a podcast, but almost all of you expressed that a monthly newsletter that reviewed the month’s content would be perfect (so look for that in the next few months!).

As we look to support some of the major remodels the site needs, we will be exploring some Regency themed products and offering some expanded author resources for sale.  We may also look to offer a small subscription portion of the website with more targeted, in depth material.

It was very clear that we have two distinct sets of audiences…ones that love our top ten lists, books by plots, reviews, and other reader resources and those of you who are likely historians or authors, who are all about the history, original sources, and other resources.  Since its a niche genre, we hope we can continue to successfully offer content for both audiences and give you more user friendly ways to find the content you are looking for while skipping the stuff that may be targeted to the other audience type.

We are leaving the survey up in case a few of you missed it and would still like to participate.

Thank you again for all your insights!  We look forward to continuing to improve the site into the New Year.

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