Regency Advertisements: Lyre and Lute Harp

be attended to MUSIC NEWLY INVCNTED LYRE AND LUTE HARP & c The general admiration of these elegant little in triwork mcuts by Ladies of most distinguished rank fashion and taste prove their pre eminence above any other Portable Instrument ever before produced in this couniry possess the pleasing sound of real Haris accura pany the voice as also the Piano Forte & c most cliarm ingly and what renulers thein still more de irable are so easily learnt to play on as to be acequired in only a few days practice Are to be hard only of E Lichi Music Prosessor inventor of thein at his House 24 Queen Ann street Portland Chapel London NB The Pianofarte the Pedal Harp also singing in the English and Italian Style taught as u ual at ho de abroad

This ad appeared in the January 1807 issue of La Belle Assemblée.

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2 Responses to Regency Advertisements: Lyre and Lute Harp

  1. I wonder how many references to ladies playing the harp in historical literature actually meant lute harps. It would make more sense for Henrietta Musgrove to have given her to place in a closed carriage to a lute harp rather than a full-size harp.