Top 10 Regency Reader Posts of the Year

Thank you, readers, for another great year!  Unsurprisingly, this year’s list looks very similar to 2021’s.  We appreciate how many readers find us from social media or search engines, looking for answers about Regency era life or trying to find the perfect, funny match for their TBR pile.

Excluding popular pages, here is the top 10 blog post list from 2022.

  1.  Regency Fashion: Carriages, Coaches and the Barouche is consistently a high ranking post, because it can be a touch confusing to understand the difference between a curricle and a coach.
  2. Regency Words: Swear Words Swearing like a sailor is out, and cursing like a cad was in this year.  We included these and more in our Regency Cant excel database.
  3. Regency Customs: The Cut Reddit and a few blog posts got a hold of this breakdown on the four different cuts and have made this a top linked post.
  4. Over 70 Funny Regency Romances We are always on the hunt for new funny Regencies, and so are readers!  We also welcome reader suggestions for funny Regencies to read (see number 7).
  5. Regency Reader Questions: On Chaperones Etiquette is often a popular reader question and this oldie but goody made the cut this year.
  6. Regency Reader Questions: The Withdrawing Rooms We have many curious Regency Readers who want to understand the deal with early 19th century bathrooms.
  7. Regency Readers Recommend: More Funny Historical Romances! We share reader suggestions for their favorite funny Regencies.
  8. Top Ten: Marriage of Convenience Regency Romances Dropping a few spots down from last year, this nonetheless was our most popular top 10 this year.
  9. Top 30: Historical Romances Where the Heroine Masquerades as a Man This top 30 also dropped down a few spots from last year, but still is a classic list of masquerading MCs.  We love a gender bending Queen!
  10. Regency Reader Questions: Sleeping in Shifts Readers wanted to know about Regency sleepwear and found this post.

Our readers help us build great content, so its nice to see so many Reader Questions make the cut. You can pose your questions to us using this Reader ? function.

We also love hearing your thoughts, suggestions, and more in the comments or on social media, so please keep sharing.  If you have ideas of new categories, tags, content, or more you would like to see in 2023, let us know.

And thank you for being a Regency Reader!

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