Regency Health and Medicine: Remedies for Rickets

An internal Remedy for the Rickets in Childrex Take of harts tongue water four spoon sful of the syrup of cloves clove gilly flower and hyfop water each two spoonsful twenty drops of oil of sulphur and a child's spoonful of alkermes mix the whole together in a bottle and give three spoonsful to the child every morning till it be all used and if it has not succeeded you may repeat it again An external Cure for the Rickers Take one pint of the oil of neats feet a handful of dwarf elder and as much cammomile Aowers beat the herbs in a morter with the oil then let it be set over a now fire when it has boiled half an hour let it be taken off and the oil strained through a cloth when you use it anoint the child all over before the fire except the head and give to drink hyfop boiled in spring water

These recipes appeared in The Ladies Best Companion; Or, a Golden Treasure for the Fair Sex (1800).

There are now many different forms of rickets and therefore various treatments which can include diet, particularly an emphasis on vitamin D, sunlight, and surgery for severe cases.

By  1857, rickets was widespread in Britain.  John Snow suggested it was caused by the adulteration of bakers bread with alum.  It is more likely it was caused by vitamin D deficiency.

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