Regency Advertisements: Water Filter

respectable Perfumers throughout the Kingdom STEPHENSON'S PATENT FILTERING MACHINES This Apparatus may truly be deemed of the first necessity and importance especially where clear and wholesome Water is with difficulty procured it purifies and renders beautifully transparent the foulest water at the unexampled rate of two hund red gallons a day whether from rivers lakes ponds or any other source in many of which cases millions of animalculæ are engendered which tend to pro duce disorders and endanger health the peculiar principle of this new process is a sure guard against those mischievous effects by preventing the re admission of any impure animals into the refined water With these superior recommendations the Patent Filtering Machines are offered to the Public Filtering at the following prices those at Five Guineas each purifying 50 gallons a day those at Seven Guineas each purifying 100 gallons a day and the largest size Ten Guineas purifying at the rate of 200 gal lons a day The machine may be seen in use at the Western Exchange Old Bond street at the Bar of the Je rusalem Coffee house Cooper's court Cornhill at the shops of Mr Holmes No 186 Fleet street Mr Nichol No 75 Piccadilly and at Joseph Stephenson's Manufactory 6 Mortimer street Ca vendish square 3

This ad appeared in the January 1818 edition of La Belle Assemblée. 

I love this advertisement for a filter that can turn the foulest water beautifully transparent!

We have a post on drinking water here: Regency Dish: Drinking Water

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