I love to read new authors! Please send me your Regency novels in EPUB format to regromblog at gmail dot com.
As much as I love other romance genres, the focus of my blog is Regency. (If you don’t know what Regency is, please see this). In other words, please don’t submit your sci-fi, memoir, Medieval romance, contemporary romance, etc. If you have a Regency or Regency related book (like a relevant non-fiction) feel free to send me a request email. I will also review close to Regency Georgian or Victorian romances/mysteries. I typically respond to requests within 2-4 weeks.
I am currently accepting review submissions for posts five months in advance, with some flexibility.
Regency Reader is focused on providing thoughtful, honest and fun to read reviews for an audience of over 2,000 loyal fans and followers. Started in 2007, the blog is promoted through Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram, and Pinterest. Receiving an average of 16,000 views a month, readers are primarily interested in Regency romance novels and Regency history and culture.
In response to reader request, Regency Reader now provides a heat index rating based on the level of intimate/erotic, adult subject matter, and violence in a book. Providing a balance between kisses only Regency up to and including erotic romance, the blog aims to encompass all Regency readership interests.
Regency Reader also aims to offer unbiased reviews of both mass market, independent, and self published materials.
I recommend you provide a brief synopsis of your plot, along with a general idea of “heat” level (mature content or kisses only) and any links and images you would like included in your review. I am also happy to work with authors, publicists or publishers on giveaways and other promotions. Generally, giveaways or limited time offers are the most popular, however we have been known to also feature author interviews.
When I am offered a free review copy, I will indicate with a disclaimer. I make every effort to provide honest feedback, and if I do not select your book to be reviewed it is most likely because it does not fit in with either my tastes or those of my readers. While I wish I had the ability to provide detailed feedback to every author, Regency Reader is a part-time passion, and therefore won’t be able to send notes.
Thanks, Anne! I’ll email you my latest– it’s a re-written backlist book.
Alicia Rasley
Thanks –would love to send you something.
Thanks –would love to send you something.
I,too, would love to send you something. This is a great site!
I too love blogging, though I prefer to post my stories directly to my blog! Check it out at http://mistressestellesfinishingschool.wordpress.com/.
Will you accept mobi format for review submissions?
I can’t always guarantee than non e-pub format will translate well to my e-reader. Therefore, I really prefer e-pub format.
Okay. Sorry. My publisher doesn’t provide that format to their authors.
Its typically fairly easy to convert the source file. However, I have had abysmal luck doing it on my end…much to my disappoint and the chagrin of authors.
It’s all right. My current series is Victorian anyway. I have Regency works in progress, but nothing published yet.
This sounds like a brilliant idea. It’s so hard to find a regency romance where people aren’t tearing off their clothes by page 5. With your grading, it sounds as though I might be able to find some.
Anne, will you accept Kindle format?
I have had bad luck converting Kindle over to epub, which usually results in an unreadable book so at this time only accept epub format. There are lots of great converters out there, especially if you have the original text in doc or pdf format.
I’m confused. I sent my submission, I thought according to the rules I read, yet I have just received an e-mail from admin asking me to see the email address and info for submissions. I did that in February after posting my comment. Does this mean I have to re-submit? Or is admin simply replying to my comment now and has not seen my proper submission, which I believe was done in the manner that was requested?
Hi Anne. This is in the response to additions to the comic Regency novels list that was recently on your site. I did not see these three, so I may have missed them, but “A Week to Be Wicked”, “The Bridal Season” and “The Songbird’s Seduction” were three I found to be delightful and lol funny in some cases.
I can’t wait to see a compilation of all readers’ responses. I love funny romance!
Thank you,
Hello, Anne.
Thank you for your most interesting site. I have recently produced a radio play about Robert Coates which I have titled “WOAT: Worst of All Time”. Perhaps it might be of interest to you or your readers: