Regency Advertisements: Patent Sofas and Chairs

19th century drawing room chair profiles

This ad appeared in the May 1815 Ackermann’s Repository.  They will provide “terms the most advantageous for prompt payment”. I have shared another ad from Continue

Regency Advertisements: Troublesome Freckles and Facial Hair

The ad appeared in the April 1817 issue of Ackermann’s Repository.  According to Plucked: A History of Hair Removal (Herzig, 2015) in the early 19th Continue

Regency Advertisments: Shaving Cakes and See-Through Soap

Vintage ad for Pear's

The ad copy appeared in the April 1817 issue of Ackermann’s Repository.  The image is from a later era, but showcases their many products. Pear’s Continue