Regency Economy: Jewellery in Birmingham

Taylor, I. (1826). Scenes of Wealth, Or, Views and Illustrations of Trades – Manufactures – Produce and Commerce: For the Amusement and Instruction of Tarry-at-home Travellers : with Continue
Taylor, I. (1826). Scenes of Wealth, Or, Views and Illustrations of Trades – Manufactures – Produce and Commerce: For the Amusement and Instruction of Tarry-at-home Travellers : with Continue
This ad appeared in Oracle and the Daily Advertiser – Thursday 10 November 1803. The Hudson’s Bay Company, established around 1670, had a commercial monopoly Continue
The Traveller’s Oracle; Or, Maxims for Locomotion: Horse and carriage keeper’s oracle ; Rules for purchasing and keeping or jobbing horses and carriages ; Estimates Continue
The Complete Book of Trades, Or the Parents’ Guide and Youths’ Instructor (1837) Fascinating insight into one of the trades of the Regency. For other Continue