Take Our Poll: Historical Accuracy in Histro

Based on a lively debate about historical accuracy in historical romance, we were curious as to your thoughts about the topic.  Head over to Twitter to take our poll: https://twitter.com/Regency_Reader/status/1078482785667493890


66 people participated in the unofficial Twitter poll.

Here are the results:

44% said historical accuracy was “super important” for historical romance novels

50% said “nice but not critical”

and 6% reported it was “not why” they read historical romance

Some sent some comments, including that they didn’t feel qualified to even judge historical accuracy.

Thank you to those who participated.  I think its important for writers to understand that many readers do like or look for historical accuracy (whatever that means) when reading historical romance.  Whether that is just nailing the details, or really immersing yourself in the historical world, it appears there are two general audiences who appreciate both efforts.


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