Regency Fashion: Important Observations on Cravat Wearing

Some helpful and healthful tips on cravat wearing from The Art of Tying the Cravat: Demonstrated in Sixteen Lessons (1828).

Important and necessary Observations In all cases of apoplexy faintings or illness in general it is requisite to loosen or even remove the Cravat immediately The greatest insult that can be offered to a man comme il faut is to seize him by the Cravat in this case blood only can wash out the stain upon the honour of either party The Cravat should invariably be loosened be
fore the commencement of study or of any important business Those who have a short neck high shoulders a round full and fresh coloured face and who are at all subject to head aches beatings of the temples & c should be most careful to wear the Cravat loose the neglect of this precaution will generally produce an attack of the complaint to which they may be liable Those who are accustomed to sleep in the Cravat should be most careful in examining whether it be loose In all cases of organic diseases of the heart or large vessels & c it should be entirely prohibited Lastly Every person at all accustomed to travel and who has the least respect for his ap1

pearance should provide himself with a box for containing a collection of Cravats This box must be divided into several compartments and be made of the following proportions eighteen inches in length six inches in width and twelve in depth it should contain 1 A dozen at least of plain white Cravats 2 The same quantity of spotted and striped white Cravats 3 A dozen coloured ditto 4 Three dozen at least shirt collars 5 Two whalebone stiffeners 6 Two black silk Cravats 7 The small iron mentioned in the first lesson 8 As many copies as possible of this important and useful work taking the precaution of having them well bound that they may occupy less room Editor's opinion

For more on cravat styles:

Regency Fashion: Putting on a Cravat – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: The Cravat a l’Americaine – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate a la Byron – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate Sentimentale – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: The Cravate en Cascade – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashions: Cravate Mathematique – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate a la Maratte – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate a la Gastronome – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate de Chasse – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate a la Paresseuse – Regency Reader (

Regency Fashion: Cravate Romantique – Regency Reader (

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