Regency Household: Ladies Secretaire

This design for a lady’s secretaire appeared in the 1808 Ackermann’s The upholsterer’s and cabinetmakers Repository.

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2 Responses to Regency Household: Ladies Secretaire

  1. Michelle H says:

    Given how many times the scenes in Regency fiction will mention the need to write letters, or to tend to correspondence, (usually as an excuse to leave,) the desk above intrigues me for multiple reasons. It’s quite attractive and lady-like, indeed. I cannot tell just how large it is, but I wonder: Are those drawers above where the gold rectangles appear? Is there room to hide away ink and pen knives, etc.? Those dainty drawers inside the writing surface area look almost too small to hold paper. It has to be the illusion the photo illustration gives me of small–almost childlike in size. But it’s very pretty. But also, ads never show how we actually live with our rooms and furniture, right? The desks I’ve owned over the year are always an explosion of messy disorganization! I always say that I’m a great organizer…I am…I just can’t stick with the beautiful plan I started.

    • Anne says:

      In looking at the drawing closely, it does appear the three rectangular spots with gold detail are drawers, I am assuming for knives, ink, quills. I work from a fairly small desk with two drawers that are full to the brim. I have found the smaller desk helps to keep me organized (or at least as best as I can expect of myself). Bigger desks have always spelled disaster for me. As far as paper, I am not sure. My impression is that paper was generally dear so that it may have been squirrelled away in a safe spot to avoid ink drips or spills. Alternatively, I could picture a nice basket or other receptacle at the foot to store paper and larger items.